
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Promote children wellbeing and safety Essay

The safety and welf be of the children is very(prenominal) important in every se? ng as indicated in sec? on 3 of the statutory framework for the early courses founda? on stage 2014. All providers must meet the required requirements to make sure the children ar kept safe and well. In my se? ng we have three directions which are the baby room, bambino room and pre-school. As I work in the toddler room I care for children age ranging between 16 months to 27months old.The children to sta) ra? o is very important as this ensures that the childrens needs andsafety is met. If the children are under two years old then we have a sta) ra? o of 1 adult to 3 children and if the children are everyplace 2 years old then we have a sta) ra? o of 1 adult to 4 children. The toddler room washbasin hold up to 27 children with 9 members of sta) ranging from a room leader, elderly nursery nurse, level 2 and 3 quali+ed and some sta) who are unquali+ed but working towards their quali+ca? on. All s ta) members are CRB chequered to make sure that the children are safe hands.

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